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Our clients

Our clients are our partners.

We work with different clients, but our ethos is always the same: we take a truly partnership-based approach and create genuine win-win situations. Understanding our clients’ business models and production processes is just as important as offering them maximum reliability, transparency and continuity. We have seen stable developments in our long-standing national and international business relationships as a result.

Our clients from whom we source unused production scrap for recycling are suppliers from the automotive industry, film manufacturers, packaging producers and SMEs that manufacture plastic products. As well as offering these clients a clean, smooth disposal service, we substantially optimise their sustainability footprint.

The clients who purchase materials from us are compound processors from South-East Asia or compounders and repelletisers in Germany, Europe, North Africa and Asia.
They can rest assured that they will receive high-quality raw materials for components or new products. If you belong to one of these two customer groups, we would love to hear from you.